Thursday, July 29, 2010

Phil's Guacamole

OK, Ok.  I get a lot of folks asking me for this.  It's pretty easy and fast.  I just got tired of buying the little packages of chemicals to flavor it, so I combined a few recipes and some of my touches until I came up with this recipe that I always get compliments on and it's always gone even with a small group.  I even have people who have all but sworn off guacamole gorging on this.

Good ingredients always make great food.  So avocados being the primary ingredient, be picky.  Avocados are any where from $1-$2 each.  I go to COSTCO and all most always get their bag of 5 and they are almost always very nice in size and clean, but always not ripe.  So they always need to be bought ahead of time and dropped into a brown bag for a couple of days.


5 Ripe (not rotten) Avocados
1/2 finally chopped red onion.  After chopping rinse in cold water.  This makes a difference int he strength of the flavor!!
1/4-1/2 cup fresh cilantro, chopped medium to fine.  I like fine.
Juice of 1 lime
1 teaspoon of oregano
1 Jalapeno or Serrano.  If you don't want hot remove seeds and membranes.  If you like with a bite leave.
2 Roasted Garlic.  Just throw in a pan on high with skin on.  It will bun the skin some.  Let cool, should be soft and very aromatic.  You can skip the roasting, but it does make a difference.
Salt and pepper usually about 1-2 teaspoons, just taste.

Put in a bowl and stir until you get the amount of chunk vs smooth you like.  DO NOT PUT IN BLENDER OR FOOD PROCESSOR.  This does something to the flavor.  I also believe this is what makes guac haters not like it, ya know the green baby p@@p syndrome.  It's not always the flavor...

Refrigerating it for a while and keeping it on ice makes it taste better as well.

IF there are any left overs I store in an air tight Mason jar and use for all kinds of healthy meals and snacks for a week.  Remember this is a super food and has great health values as long as you don't sit and eat the whole batch, because then you will be fat and healthy.  Which I guess is better than just fat :).


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