Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pizza faster than ordering and far better

I do this often, and will keep posting.  STOP buying the awful unhealthy garbage when you need something fast easy and that you like!!!!

1 Crust from dough I keep in the frig.
1 Tomato
Mozzarella cheese
Feta cheese
Banana Peppers
canned mushrooms
Fresh out of the garden basil
1/4 thin cut onions
Red pepper flakes and oregano
and whatever else you like.

15 minutes prep
5 minutes cook time @ 450 or higher if you can (and I cleaned up the kitchen in that time)

BTW I cooked this on my pizza stone on the grill outside to keep the heat down in the house!

there are no pictures of it finished because it was devoured in 10 minutes....Sorry

Mise en Place  Always makes cooking better!!!!

OK so it's not round.  I'll bet it was way better tasting than your machined round one!!!!


Brian Peterson said...

Hey Phl,
How do you keep your dough and how do you prepare it? This sounds like a great idea. I'd like to try it, but not very 'kitcheny'.


Liz W. said...

Hi Phlip, I'm a friend of Holly's and just stumbled on your blog from reading her's. I must say your Mise en place is a thing of beauty!!! I love food & cooking, but need to work on my prep. I'm inspired.
Going to try your pizza recipe this weekend!